Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well.... here we are, I met up with Grace yesterday at Jusco, well, she told me to look for her at Starbucks and I did as I was told, we exchanged greetings and we begin our window shopping escapade. I was telling her about what I need to buy and etc..... we were looking at some cas accessories looking for our P stickers till I realised she went missing when I turned around. I popped my head from the corner of the row and then I saw this....

Grace dengan "fat hao-nya" chasing some dude... from this shot, it looked as though she's trying to "cekik" him but we all can see her flirtatious stunts.... (even the auntie also takde mata nak tengok dah kelakuan yang rambang sebegini)

So....... I decided to trail them and see who's this dude and was a lil upset cos Grace didn't tell me about him...or maybe she spotted the wrong person?

BUT WAIT...........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As their hands continue to near each other's, they entwine???!!! =.="

Apa ni? Grace berlaku curang after all the I love you, maine sweet talks she give me every night? I'm bummed,girl.

As "furious" as I was, I decided to find out who this man was, that made me so not man enough for her....till she had to have an affair right under my nose at the same time when we're spending quality time together......

I marched straight up to them and yelled, "HOI! The one with the mahjong chop on his tee shirt!!! Stop there right now Mr."

He turned around and I.................................................................*faints*

Readers, I can't believe it was him after all..... the dude I've been talking to most nights for the sake of our camp. He's been my lover's lover............... dude, have you forgotten the ten commandments?

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