Thursday, October 9, 2008

Random pictures

I was I took some random pictures I decided to blog about...

I was at Jieg's house last Sunday........ nowadays......

Alright kiddo, you won the colouring competition.

Suruh baca buku, muncungkan bibir pulak ni..... don't pout Jieg!

He showed me the peace sign right when the waffles arrived....shucks

Well, Jim and Avin told me to jump off the cliff so I looked over.......

It's amazing how Jim is advertised as the Al Salam Wifi area...... lol

Avin, stop giving me that Vegetable is good for you story...... look at didn't like the coleslaw too

Don't try to cover your acts, just admit that vege sucks.

Tadaaaa~~~ it's time to eat...........................................................BALLS!!!!!!

Wait, let me savour this moment......... before I munch on them, says Jim

Well, I must say, it taste pretty good....

Eh, apa ni?

What happened to Jim?????

It's okay, I like this one better....... it's a she...........*winks*

Jim: Woo hoo.... look over there..........!!!

No no no, I'm not going to look.

Aiyer....Jim! Naughty fella...
Hhahaahahahah I'm just kidding!!!
It's all fiction really, no hard feelings! Love ya all.

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