Friday, December 12, 2008

Don't see it

You don't care how its like,
Bet you don't even know how its like,
To be treated like trash,
Though you spent all your cash,
Then something new comes up in your life,
You appreciate it as though its your new wife,
Finally I realise,
That you don't treat me the same no matter how you emphasize.

You finally changed after HUGE,
But not when I've tried to help after five months,
I'm very happy for you,
But it's always about you,
Sizing everyone ahead,
Leaving me the only maid,
Yes, I feel like a babysitter,
Waiting on you,
Putting my life on too much a hold,
I cannot wait anymore,
I gotta go.

I've finally gathered my wits,
To walk away from you,
Yet you still say that I need,
That prayer you boast about,
Damn you human,
Have you not seen the picture yet?
The truth that made me let all I've strived for go?

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