We've been through years of struggle, Countless wars and pains, Just a few more leaps, And we're there, We're almost home
The lines on your face and hands, Reminds me who I am , And who am I to become, The veins on your arms, Tells me what a mother you are, We're almost home
No matter how the world sees us, You kept me strong, Even when you're weak, you gave m e strength, Whenever we gave up, We laughed it off and kept pushing forward, We're almost home.
It has been hard, It gets harder as the day goes by, But it's all worth it when I'm with you, You gave me hope in the midst of disappointments, Like a toddler learning how to walk, You guided me, We're almost home.
I believe our race for happiness is almost here, Just need to win this race, I worry for you, And you worry for me, Lord please keep us both save, Mum, we're almost home.
A friend of mine told me, that she didn't want to sacrifice her time participating in any sidekick roles for a play. As I was hearing this, I reflected on a lot of things. Back when I first came to Banting, I felt that every one's wasting my time. I felt that I deserved better. Then when my pastor gave me a chance to serve, I felt that they should all listen to me when I coach voice, because I'm doing it for free. It wasn't long till I got into trouble, misunderstandings and arguments with the ministry. I was pretty disappointed because I felt that I did not fit in with the crowd. I even stopped serving for a couple of months because I thought that this church wasn't meant for me anymore.
As I spent those few months down there as part of the congregation, I realized how great our God is, He can make use of us anytime and also use someone else whenever we think we are too great for something. When I stopped coaching voice and serving, the team went on week after week. Then I realized that I'm not so great after all.
You know, sometimes we tend to overlook the minor roles in life. I met another pastor's daughter last week and I asked her, 'Do you serve in your church?' she humbly replied, 'Yes, I'm just an usher' In most churches that I have been to ( I'm not generalizing) , most pastor's kids have a certain responsibility or role to play in church. But this is my first time hearing a Pastor's child saying, "I'm just an usher". I was touched by her humbleness to serve in such manner, a person who did not want much of a name but just humbly serving God by welcoming people at the door every Sunday.
It was then I figured, it's not the talents that God has given us made us great, but its the heart that we have, that servant heart to serve Him and His people. We can have all the talents in the world, but if we think too much of ourselves and our sacrifices, we are not serving in proper manner. It's just when Jesus took those beatings for us before He was nailed upon the cross, what if He thought of Himself being a Son of God and did not deserve such sacrifice? If the lady thought much about her sacrifice, then she wouldn't have broken her most expensive alabaster jar to wash Jesus' feet. Our Father takes into account of every little thing we do despite how small the role may be. Thank You Father for enlightening me once again. :)
Nightmares and morningmares,
You can attack me whenever you want,
But you'll never succeed,
Because my God is great and the Almighty,
What do you have to compare to rule over me?
You may whisper words in my mind and heart,
Whenever I'm alone I know you are near,
But the one next to me isn't you,
My Abba Father is always next to me,
Always IN me.
So get out of my house,
Get out of my head,
Get out of my mind,
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
The Lord who has loved us enough to give up His own son,
I rebuke you, evil one,
Dear God,
Whisper me sweet words of comfort and strength,
I know You'll never leave me,
I know there would only be one pair of footprints in the sand,
You will be carrying me home and to safety.
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. It is not His will for us to know what He has planned for us in our lives. We have to seek Him at all times and carry on this journey called- life along with His guidance. It has been years of pain and turmoil. Arguments and bitter tongues that numbed my brain and soul and to the very core of my heart.
Till I see Him face to face, it is my destiny to hand my future in His hands. I encourage all of you, to not carry your burdens alone. I have done so for many years now, and I am older than my age. When I sang this song last week- "Till I see You" by Hillsong, I felt a load of burden in my heart. It was so heavy it was suffocating. I could not sing, it was as though you were living but you are actually dead. I felt restless and I could not sing. I felt heavy.
As I sang it again and again, I asked God, "God!! Where are You? Help me!" I cried out to Him in my heart. And then it was as though it was just a bad dream, the heaviness in my heart left me. I knew at that point that I was given a lesson to be still and know that He is our God Almighty. And we cannot do all things without Christ, because it is Christ that will strengthen us. (Philippians 4:13 )
It is indeed a storm that I am facing in reality. A storm that I doubt my faith in the sea. Just as the fishermen woke Jesus up because they had such little faith in the sea despite the fact that Jesus was with them. God uses different people in different situations. I've had friends who were with me in the past recent years, that have left me now. But I know He has plans for me and my family and the promised freedom is on its way.
With what little faith I have I say, give glory to Him. Give honour to Him; because the branch that you want to hold on to in times like this, would be the hand of God.
Let us trust in Him and live a child in awe of Him each day. Have a great week ahead! :)